Green Star FAQs

Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2

Transport / Sustainable Transport

The below FAQs relate to the Green Star Rating Tool, Category or Credit stated above.

F-00367 - When should project teams submit for the optional Designed Assessment / Design Review?
The GBCA has no specific requirement as to when registered projects should submit for a Designed Assessment. Below is some guidance to help establish the best timing for your project. This supplements information provided in the rating tool Submission Guidelines.  Purpose A Designed Assessment (or Design Review under the Legacy rating tools)...
Published on Wed, 24 Jan 2024
F-00335 - How can project teams demonstrate compliance when a contractor has become insolvent?
The GBCA recommends that, when a contractor, sub-contractor, consultant, or other party involved in a Green Star registered project is unable to complete project works or provide documentation for the Green Star submission due to insolvency or another unforeseen event, the project team should contact the GBCA as soon as...
Published on Tue, 1 Aug 2023
F-00286 - Instances where a technical question no longer needs to be submitted by a project team
Technical questions related to Innovation were previously marked as free of charge. However moving forward Innovation related technical questions will be charged the standard fees of $220 (excl. of GST) as per a technical question. The following is a list of all places in the rating tool where a technical...
Published on Mon, 17 Oct 2022
F-00203 - What does the GBCA define as appropriate electric vehicle charging infrastructure ?
The GBCA defines electric vehicle charging infrastructure as the provision of a standard domestic, commercial or industrial power outlet, or wiring to enable the future installation of electric vehicle charging equipment without the electric vehicle charging equipment itself being installed at the time of practical completion, thus making the project...
Published on Mon, 12 Sep 2022
F-00096 - How do I get the Sustainable Transport Calculators to work?
The externally provided software the Transport Calculators rely on has recently changed to pay-per-use. As such the Sustainable Transport and Access by Public Transport Calculator outputs will only be available to project teams of registered Green Star Projects until further notice.    UPDATED AUGUST 2022 17A Sustainable Transport Calculator The Sustainable Transport Calculator has been...
Published on Mon, 29 May 2023
F-00181 - How do I know what type of documentation is accepted for a Design Review rating?
We’ve developed a short guidance document for project teams on what level of documentation is acceptable for Design Review – Green Star Design & As Built and Green Star – Interiors. This Design Review Guidance provides answers to common questions asked by project teams. The Guidance - Submitting for Design Review document is...
Published on Fri, 13 Nov 2020
F-00179 - Is there an alternative pathway to demonstrate compliance with Walkscore?
Yes, project teams may target up to three (3) points to determine the points available for 'Walkable location' as an alternative to Walkscore, for the purposes of 17A-Sustainable Transport - Performance Pathway. To ensure that there is a diverse range of amenities available to the building occupants, amenities present around the...
Published on Fri, 2 Oct 2020
F-00095 - Can I use 'For Construction' drawings in the As Built submission?
Yes. The GBCA requires evidence that the drawings supplied are as constructed, whether they have an ‘As Built’ stamp or not. 'For Construction' drawings are acceptable provided they are accompanied by formal confirmation from the head contractor or other relevant professional(s) that the For Construction drawings depict the site as-built...
Published on Tue, 31 Mar 2020
F-00122 - Can I promote my project if it is registered for Green Star, but not yet certified?
Before achieving certification you can promote your Green Star registered project in writing, but cannot use the Green Star logo or Green Star certification trade mark. The Green Star certification trade mark can only be used once the project is certified. The Marketing and Style Guide explains how Green Star certified projects can...
Published on Mon, 6 Jan 2020
F-00006 - Is the supporting documentation listed in each credit required for submission?
No. All supported documentation listed for each credit in the Submission Guidelines are suggestions only, unless specified otherwise. Alternate documentation to those listed can be used by project teams to demonstrate credit compliance if it adequately supports the claims made within the Submission Templates.
Published on Tue, 26 Jun 2018
F-00026 - Submission formatting: referencing files in multiple credits
Documents can be referenced, rather than duplicated in credits, as long as the Submission Templates include both: hyperlinks to the relevant document(s); and references to specific page numbers within the document(s) which demonstrate compliance with the specific credit. Page numbers are likely to change for each credit submission, as appropriate to the credit compliance being demonstrated. Please note...
Published on Mon, 16 Jul 2018
F-00032 - Are there any additional requirements I need to consider for bike parking?
Staff bicycle spaces do not need to be separate from general public spaces, provided they are secure. Visitor spaces do not need to be under cover.
Published on Thu, 20 Sep 2018
F-00047 - Can showers in accessible bathrooms be counted towards End of Trip facilities?
Showers which are located in statutorily required accessible bathrooms cannot be claimed in the count for shower facilities. Extra bathrooms/showers with disability access, not required statutorily, which meet the Sustainable Transport credit requirements can be counted.
Published on Tue, 19 Jun 2018
F-00087 - Can retail projects take an alternate pathway targeting 17A- Performance Pathway from Green Star Design & As Built?
Yes. Walk score is determined on two factors: walking distance, and pedestrian friendliness. The GBCA accepts the following alternative approach for determining the walking distance on the condition the project team also meets requirements for pedestrian friendliness outlined below.  Determine the walking distance: Calculate the residential units/houses that can be covered within a...
Published on Tue, 29 Jan 2019
F-00109 - Can Green Star be used on a project outside of Australia?
The Green Building Council of Australia (GBCA) does not normally certify Green Star projects outside of Australia. If you believe your project should be considered as an exception circumstance, please complete an Eligibility query and provide details of your project and why this should be considered for Green Star certification. Alternatively, we...
Published on Tue, 6 Aug 2019


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.