Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00286
Instances where a technical question no longer needs to be submitted by a project team

Technical questions related to Innovation were previously marked as free of charge. However moving forward Innovation related technical questions will be charged the standard fees of $220 (excl. of GST) as per a technical question. The following is a list of all places in the rating tool where a technical question no longer needs to be submitted. This also includes non-Innovation queries. 


Green Star Design & As-Built v1.2 and v1.3 





Relevant text as noted in the submission guidelines.

Additional guidance for project teams

9 Indoor Environment Quality - 9.1.2 

Indoor Environment Quality 

Where components do not have access for maintenance from both sides due to the size of the unit, project teams are encouraged to submit a technical question to the GBCA outlining how maintenance and cleaning processes of the air distribution systems components are achieved in line with the intent of the criterion 


Please refer to FAQ - 148 for further guidance 



Should the project team wish to claim any renewable energy purchases as GreenPower® equivalent, please contact the GBCA via a technical question (formerly known as a Credit Interpretation Request (CIR)). 


Please refer to Appendix A of 'Climate Positive Buildings & our Net Zero Ambitions published by the GBCA on guidance on the acceptable form of renewable energy purchases in Green Star 

30E Global Sustainability 


A list of credits from other WGBC member rating tools, and other Green Star rating tools that have been approved for this criterion are listed below. For any credit not listed that may wish to be targeted, a technical question should be submitted to the GBCA for guidance. 

Please refer to FAQ-82 for further guidance 

30E Global Sustainability 


Project teams can submit a technical question to receive advice on whether an initiative may be considered a valid Innovation claim, however the award is ultimately at the discretion of the Certified Assessor(s).

Project teams should justify in their submission to the Certified Assessor(s) on why the initiative is considered innovative and provide supporting evidence


Green Star Interiors v1.3  and v1.2





Relevant text as noted in the submission guidelines.

Additional guidance for project teams

11 Visual Comfort -  Submission Content  


Indoor Environment Quality  

Green Star – Design and As Built as-built documentation, or Visual Comfort credit compliance statement via technical question response from the GBCA.  

17 Sustainable Transport - Fitouts in a Green Star Rated Building  



Where full points were awarded under the ‘Cyclist Facilities’ credit from a Green Star Legacy rating tool for the base building and the fitout has access to these facilities, the project team may claim this credit using base building documentation from the Green Star rated base building. Please submit a complimentary technical question to confirm this approach prior to submission.  

27E Global Sustainability


A list of credits from other WGBC member rating tools, and other Green Star rating tools that have been approved for this criterion are listed below. For any credit not listed that may wish to be targeted, a technical question should be submitted to the GBCA for guidance. 

Please refer to FAQ-82 for further guidance 


27E Global Sustainability


Innovation points are assessed and awarded at the discretion of the Certified Assessor(s). In reviewing the submission, the Certified Assessor(s) will consider the relative benefits and improvement as compared to other Green Star credits. Project teams can submit a technical question to receive advice on whether an initiative may be considered a valid Innovation claim, however the award is ultimately at the discretion of the Certified Assessor(s).

Project teams should justify in their submission to the Certified Assessor(s) on why the initiative is considered innovative and provide supporting evidence


Green Star Performance v1.2  



Relevant text as noted in the submission guidelines.

Additional guidance for project teams

15A NABERS Pathway


Other building types that are eligible for a NABERS Energy rating may also use this pathway or justify an alternate pathway through a free technical question.

Where a project has achieved a NABERS rating, they must use the 15A pathway. Most commercial buildings will fall under this requirement due to the CBD program, as well as any other sector buildings that have opted to target a NABERS rating. 

15B Building Energy Baselines  



Project teams must outline the reasons why pathways 15A was unsuitable for the building seeking certification. Project teams are encouraged to submit a free technical question to confirm their approach prior to submitting for assessment.  

Projects that have not achieved a NABERS rating, can use the 15B pathway

15C Peer Group of Comparable Buildings  



Project teams must outline the reasons why pathways 15A or 15B were unsuitable for the building seeking certification. Project teams are encouraged to submit a free technical question to confirm their approach prior to submitting for assessment.  

Project teams can only use 15C where neither 15A or 15B can be applied due to the benchmarks not being available.

15D Longitudinal Benchmarking  



Project teams must outline why pathways 15A, 15B and 15C were unsuitable for the building seeking certification. Project teams are encouraged to submit a free technical question to confirm their approach prior to submitting for assessment.  

15D can only be used where neither 15A, 15B or 15C are able to be applied. Project teams must provide detailed justification as to why the first three pathways are not available. 

16C Preliminary Benchmark For Commercial Office Buildings


Applicants selecting this pathway must submit a free-of-charge technical question to the GBCA to confirm the use of this pathway prior to submitting for assessment.

Please refer to FAQ-230 for further guidance 

17.4 Sustainable Transport Program  



Other initiatives that suit other specific needs of visitors may be included in these requirements or submitted as a technical question, if they encourage the use of transport modes other than conventional single-occupant vehicles.  


30 Innovation 

Alternative Compliance Methods: A technical question may be submitted when an applicant wishes to advocate for an alternative yet equivalent method of meeting the Compliance Requirements

Project teams should justify in their submission to the Certified Assessor(s) on why the initiative is considered innovative and provide supporting evidence


Green Star Communities v1.1  





Relevant text as noted in the submission guidelines.

Additional guidance for project teams

26A.1a.2 - LCA Methodology  



Scope - Whole-of-Site as defined in EN 15978. In particular, refer to section 7.5 ‘The Building Model’. Project teams shall use this as a starting point to defining the scope of their LCA, as this standard is specific to an individual building, not an entire master planned development. Project teams must put forward their proposed scope to the GBCA via a Credit Interpretation Request prior to starting their LCA model, to avoid abortive work. The project scope shall be based on the principles outlined in EN 15978  



Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star - Communities v1.1
  • Green Star - Communities PILOT v0.2
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.2
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3
  • Green Star - Performance 1.2.0
  • Green Star Buildings v1
  • Green Star Buildings v1.0


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

Have more questions?

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