Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00179
Is there an alternative pathway to demonstrate compliance with Walkscore?

Yes, project teams may target up to three (3) points to determine the points available for 'Walkable location' as an alternative to Walkscore, for the purposes of 17A-Sustainable Transport - Performance Pathway.

To ensure that there is a diverse range of amenities available to the building occupants, amenities present around the project location must spread across the below eight categories:

  • Grocery e.g. Convenience stores, supermarkets
  • Food and Beverage e.g. cafes, restaurants, bars
  • Retail e.g clothing, homeware, hardware, book, gift stores
  • Bank Services e.g. banks, credit unions
  • Education & Childcare e.g. Primary, secondary, tertiary or childcare facilities
  • Recreation e.g. movie theatres, fitness centres, swimming pools
  • Public facilities e.g. Libraries, local or state government service centres
  • Outdoor facilities e.g. Playgrounds, parks

Planned future amenities can also be claimed, including the ones that will be available on the project site to building occupants, where these amenities are scheduled for delivery within two years of the project's date of practical completion. 

Up to three points are available where a certain number of diverse amenities are located within a 400m walking distance of the project as determined by Google Maps or other mapping services. Points will be awarded according to the minimum number and types of amenities, in line with the below table. 

                                                                   Green Star - Design & As Built

Points available Minimum Number of Amenities Minimum Amenity Categories
1 8


2 10


3 15




                                                                              Green Star - Interiors

Points available Minimum Number of Amenities Minimum Amenity Categories
1 10


2 15



Documentation Requirements:

Please provide the following in your submission:

  • As per the submission guidelines for 17A Performance Pathway
  • Google Maps (or other mapping service) location showing evidence of amenities as described in the submission guidelines and within 400m walking distance of the project site
  • Evidence of future amenities that are scheduled for delivery within 2 years of practical completion.
  • A copy of this response.


Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Transport / 17 Sustainable transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.1 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.2 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport
  • Green Star - Interiors v1.3 / Transport / 17 Sustainable Transport


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

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