Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00453
Can I provide Changing Facilities (end of trip) on a different floor from bike storage?

Yes- if they are easily accessible and meet all other requirements. 

End-of-trip facilities, including changing rooms, showers and lockers, must be provided in a dedicated facility within easy access of the bike storage. This is to meet the credit intent to encourage occupants and users to use active, low carbon and public transport options instead of private vehicles. 

Some examples of what can be accepted: 

Acceptable Not Acceptable
Dedicated end-of-trip facilities on another floor, easily accessible by a short walk (not through high traffic areas) or elevator.  Shower facilities on another floor or within tenancies, with access to them through high traffic areas, past tenancies or though main part of building where lots of people are expected to be working or living. 
Dedicated end-of-trip facilities located outside of the building but within easy access. E.g. one end-of trip facility for a complex of buildings.  Showers provided within other bathrooms that are there to meet statutory accessibility requirements. 
Lockers provided within end-of-trip facilities  Use of communal showers within a hotel/hostel environment, that customers and occupants use. 
  Lockers provided far away from changing facilities

If you have any project specific restraints or requirements relating to this credit, please submit a Technical Question. 

Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star Buildings v1.0 / Places / 27 Movement and Place


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

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