Green Star FAQs

FAQ F-00397
Do I need to test all apartments for airtightness in Green Star?

No, all apartments are not required to be tested for air-tightness in Green Star.

Project teams may test a minimum of 10 dwelling units or 10% of the total number of dwelling units, whichever is greater as sample units to satisfy the Testing Area Requirements.

The sample units selected must include:

  • A representative of the lower-most, upper-most, and intermediate floors;
  • A representative of the external envelope construction including different façade types and building geometries;
  • A representative of each apartment typology (by number of bedrooms, Accessibility/DDA etc.);
  • The unit with lowest-performing NatHERS rating

Note: These requirements are not mutually exclusive i.e. a representative unit that meets more than one of the above requirements can be used to demonstrate compliance with each of those requirements. 

All other requirements are to be met as per the submission guidelines.

The surface areas used to calculate permeability shall include the exterior as well as inter-unit walls, floors, and ceilings, including those bordering other dwelling units. Partitions within a dwelling unit shall not be included in the surface area calculation.

Rating Tools

This FAQ is related to the following Rating Tools, Categories or Credits:

  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.1 / Innovation
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.1 / Management
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2 / Innovation
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2 / Management
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.2 / Responsible
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Innovation
  • Green Star - Design & As Built v1.3 / Management
  • Green Star Buildings v1 / Responsible / 3 Verification and Handover
  • Green Star Buildings v1.0 / Responsible / 3 Verification and Handover


These FAQs are:

  • provided as additional technical assistance for Green Star users.
  • optional and free to use on Green Star projects.

When used on Green Star projects, make sure to:
  • state the FAQ number on the Submission Template.
  • click on "Download" to save the FAQ.
  • include the PDF in the submission.

The GBCA reserves the right to add or remove FAQ at our discretion.

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