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Status Certified
81 Richmond Road Blacktown NSW
- Certified Thu 17 Mar 2016
- Score 81.3
- Applicant(s)
Australand Residential No.165 Pty Ltd (parent Frasers Property Australia Pty Ltd)
Cox Architecture Pty Ltd
ESD Consultant
Landscaping Consultant
McGregor Coxall Pty Ltd
Project Manager
Raymond Baksmati
Structural/Civil Engineer
Main Contractor
Burton Contractors
Category Achievements
- A Green Star Accredited Professional was engaged to support the Green Star certification process
- The project applicant reports publically against their corporate responsibility policy annually
- Project level reporting is undertaken against the GRI Standard Disclosures and = 10 GRI Indicators.
- Sustainability education facilities are provide within the project site
- The project has contributed to Industry Capacity Development in built-environment sustainability
- The project has a publically available Community Users' Guide for the project occupants
- The project has a comprehensive, project-specific Stakeholder Engagement Strategy.
- The Engagement Strategy has been implemented with monitoring, evaluation and corrective action.
- The vision for the project was developed through a collaborative Visioning Process.
- A community program or service is managed, coordinated or organised by a community led entity.
- The project has a project-specific Climate Adaptation Plan.
- The project has a project-specific Community Resilience Plan.
- A project-specific Environmental Management Plan has been developed and implemented.
- Operational works contractors have ISO 14001 Environmental Management System accreditation.
- 75% of the project site comprises previously developed land.
- The project site has been reclaimed through best practice remediation techniques.
- The planning and design of the project site included a comprehensive context analysis.
- The Project's site planning and layout has been subject to an independent design review process.
- The Project's urban design has been subject to an independent design review process.
- All habitable buildings on the project site have walkable access to a diverse number of amenities.
- The project has a Community Development Plan.
- A Community Development Officer has been employed to implement the Community Development Plan.
- A community group is involved in the implentation of the Community Development Plan.
- Free community events are facilitated and supported.
- Information on community matters is made available to all project occupants.
- The project meets the minimum requirement for footpath provision.
- The project has been designed to promote an active lifestyle, with paths and cyclist facilities.
- Project occupants have easy access to a local park and a publicly accessible sports facility.
- The project has been designed and built in line with holistic active and healthy living principles.
- All tunnels and underpasses within the project site have end-to-end visibility.
- All public areas (i.e. playgrounds, skate parks etc.) are visible from at least one street.
- The planning and design of the project site included a crime risk assessment process.
- Good design has been adopted throughout the project site so as to deter crime.
- The culture, heritage, and identity of the project site has been researched and interpreted.
- A place of cultural heritage significance has undergone adaptive re-use to meet community needs.
- Art and culture programs have been implemented to strengthen cultural connections.
Economic Prosperity
- The projects plan for development will provide a net percentage increase in jobs in the area.
- Diverse local employment is available due to the projects proximity to a major city.
- Project Occupants will have access to higher education facilities within a 45 minute Commute
- Skills development programs are available for targeted, in need stakeholder groups.
- A cost and benefit analysis (direct) has been undertaken for optional investment items.
- A cost and benefit analysis (indirect) has been undertaken for optional investment items.
- The project includes optional investment in community infrastructure of $1750-$2000 per dwelling.
- The Minimum Requirement for Living Affordability has been met.
- At least two residential affordability strategies have been implemented as part of the project.
- Incentives of at least $750 per dwelling are offered to encourage a change in occupants behaviour
- All habitable buildings will be provided with FTTP or fixed wireless connectivity (100Mbps/20Mbps)
- Telecommute infrastructure is provided at nominated locations in the project.
- Fuel sources other than grid electricity are used for water heating and space heating and cooling.
- The project meets the minimum requirement for EPBC Act approval.
- The project has a Waste Management Plan for contruction and demolition Waste.
- The project has measures in place to reduce the environmental impacts of operational waste.
- An Integrated Transport Plan informed the approach to transport in the project.
- The project has a shared, pooled or common use parking regime.
- Public transport (compliant by frequencing and accessibility) is available to the project occupants.
- The project site's ecological value is enhanced by the plan for development.
- The project has been designed with measures to reduce Heat Island Effect.
- 95% of external public lighting luminaries within the project have an Upward Light Output Ratio <5%.
- The GHG Intensity of energy supplied to the project has been reduced by 17% – 32%
- Irrigation for all POS and public realm will be sourced from alternative water sources.
- Stormwater runoff will be managed on site to maintain a similar frequency of flow to predevelopment.
- Key pollutants discharged in site stormwater have been reduced to protect receiving waters.
- The project runoff is 15 to 5 days greater than the natural annual runoff days.
- The project meets the minimum requirements for the responsible sourcing of materials.
- 95% of all reinforcing steel meets or exceeds 500MPa strength grade.
- Warm mix asphalt has been used in the project.